Hydroponic Systems: A Smart Choice For Modern-Day Farmers

25 November 2014
 Categories: Environmental, Blog


Nowadays, gaining access to enough arable land to farm is rather difficult. If you want to increase crop produce but lack adequate land to farm, here are some reasons why putting in place a hydroponic system can be the best option for you to take. 

Self-Controlled Planting Conditions

Crops planted in the soil are fully-dependent on the forces of nature. When it rains in plenty during the planting season, they flourish. However, when the rains persist into the harvesting period, then the same crops can go bad on the farm due to delayed harvesting.

Therefore, Mother Nature presents an almost unreliable pattern for you to use in making accurate predictions regarding the timing of farming activities. Conversely, hydroponic systems allow you regulate conditions within your farm so that crops get precisely what they require.

Also, soil exposes your crops to the threat of pest infestation and airborne diseases. Hydroponic systems alleviate the risk of soil-related diseases since they don't require any soil in the first place.

Reduced Labour Requirements

Typically, the traditional soil-based farming technique is very labour demanding. From the moment you plant seeds on the ground, what follows is a continuous rush to flush out weeds. Thus, plants need to be attended to frequently and on a timely basis. Failure to do this means that your plants will yield to the forces of the natural environment.

However, the haste associated with removing weeds from the soil doesn't apply to hydroponic plants since a large portion of the caretaking can be done automatically. Essentially, this means that you won't have to deal with weeds, and will thus avoid incurring significant labour costs associated with ploughing and tilling your farm.

Enhanced Conservation Of The Natural Environment

Since hydroponic systems can be modified to reuse nutrients and water minerals, they can impressively minimise the demand for new resources required to grow plants. Therefore, these systems help to conserve the rapidly-depleting water and soil minerals, so that they can remain useful for other purposes such as drinking water.

In addition, hydroponic systems also eradicates the need to use chemical farming inputs such as pesticides and herbicides that cause environmental hazards. Hence, hydroponic systems allow you to farm in a highly environmental friendly way.

A hydroponic system can increase farm output while lessening environmental strain at the same time. Furthermore, it reduces demand for labour costs of preparing and maintaining your farm through every phase of the planting season. More importantly, you'll enjoy full discretion to control your farm's conditions. For more information, contact a company like South Pacific Hydroponics.